John Bird
John Bird
We’re back on streets where we belong, but still fighting for a better world

We’re back on streets where we belong, but still fighting for a better world

Social progress should go hand in hand with saving the planet

Social progress should go hand in hand with saving the planet

Forget Big Brother – the real enemy is poverty

Forget Big Brother – the real enemy is poverty

You don’t have to be a bleeding heart to see our prison system isn’t working

You don’t have to be a bleeding heart to see our prison system isn’t working

We should be focused on ending poverty, not the rowing royals

We should be focused on ending poverty, not the rowing royals

Like nature, we will f ind a way to grow again

Like nature, we will f ind a way to grow again

There are big issues. And then there’s the planet

There are big issues. And then there’s the planet

Auntie’s still got it. And maybe she could do even more

Auntie’s still got it. And maybe she could do even more

After lockdown, the libraries of my life will be waiting

After lockdown, the libraries of my life will be waiting

Social Echo… an idea that’s taking flight

Social Echo… an idea that’s taking flight

Low wages are the bedrock of our housing woes

Low wages are the bedrock of our housing woes

After 30 years, The Big Issue’s job has only just begun

After 30 years, The Big Issue’s job has only just begun