Liam Geraghty
Liam Geraghty
Liam has written for The Big Issue since 2017, originally starting out as a Junior Writer/Sub-Editor before working up the ranks to become Senior Reporter in 2019 and Deputy Digital Editor (News) in 2023. That role sees him take charge of news and investigations relating to housing, homelessness and social issues. He also helps Big Issue vendors tell their story.
Hero Big Issue vendor stops man jumping off London Bridge

Hero Big Issue vendor stops man jumping off London Bridge

It just got easier to see a snapshot of rough sleeping in London online

It just got easier to see a snapshot of rough sleeping in London online

Scotland is still considering how to implement a basic income pilot

Scotland is still considering how to implement a basic income pilot

Fact/Fiction: Do PC campaigners really want to ban a classic kids’ book?

Fact/Fiction: Do PC campaigners really want to ban a classic kids’ book?

What does Brexit mean for the Premier League’s global stars?

What does Brexit mean for the Premier League’s global stars?

A financial watchdog has released high-cost credit figures for the first time

A financial watchdog has released high-cost credit figures for the first time

Cardiff Tory councillor under fire for ‘tear tents down’ comments

Cardiff Tory councillor under fire for ‘tear tents down’ comments

Rural cash machines will receive a ‘super premium’ to stay open

Rural cash machines will receive a ‘super premium’ to stay open

Donald Trump’s firm faces £5m charge for refusing to build affordable homes

Donald Trump’s firm faces £5m charge for refusing to build affordable homes

£3.6m London co-working space launches to help youngsters on margins

£3.6m London co-working space launches to help youngsters on margins

Big Issue backs Cornwall dental practice for people with special needs

Big Issue backs Cornwall dental practice for people with special needs

Crystal Palace lead the Premier League – with stadium rough sleeper shelter

Crystal Palace lead the Premier League – with stadium rough sleeper shelter