Jorge Salcedo is the most morally conflicted character in the third season of Narcos. In preparation were you able to speak to the real-life Salcedo?
That was an impossibility given the fact he’s on the witness protection programme. That said, I had the chance to talk to people who talked to him. This happened in the early ’90s, which means there is a lot of people around today that documented what happened at that time. The internet is our best friend, ask Mr Google anything and he will answer. My research wasn’t only about the cartels, also about the country itself, the people and the music. There’s a little bit more to Colombia than just cocaine.
The main character of the show is Colombia
How important is it that Narcos was filed on location in Colombia?
Being able to shoot on the streets helps you a hell of a lot as an actor. Whenever you’re boring something in the background is super interesting. It really helps you get away with bad acting – that is a reality. And it helps you get into the story yourself. You believe it is happening for real because it is happening for real.
If they had done the show in a different way it wouldn’t be what it is. The main character of the show is Colombia.

Salcedo makes the decision to leave the Cali Cartel, but how do you think he justified working for them in the first place?