Every year The Big Issue takes pride in celebrating the Changemakers who are paving the way for positive social change in the UK.
To thank them, we reflect on all the good they have done in the last 12 months and encourage our readers to check out their hard work.
Here are some of the Changemakers who strive to improve workers’ rights.
Right to Disconnect UK
Working from home during Covid has meant sometimes the line between time spent working and not working has become blurred. This means the #RightToDisconnect campaign, which wants a law introduced that guarantees UK workers the right to digitally disconnect outside working hours, has gained more support.
The campaign wants to challenge the ‘always on’ work culture, which can be a major trigger for mental and physical ill health. The law, which has been adopted in countries including Italy, aims to improve work-life balance by allowing workers to not answer emails or messages outside of office hours.
ThinkForward, which provides long-term coaching to get young people ready for the world of work, has been a lifeline for them during the pandemic. The organisation helps young people develop skills, overcome challenges that keep them from succeeding and facilitates work experience. Coaches, who are usually placed in schools, worked remotely overnight from 2020 to deliver a personalised service. In 2021, they were able to return to face-to-face coaching.