I can understand if the rest of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is fed up with the Northern Ireland bit.
For nearly 30 years a dirty little war murdered and maimed and made a mess of itself and infected much else. And now, as if Brexit wasn’t tricky enough, the border question is becoming the pivot on which everything is turning.
The idea that the Good Friday agreement could be dismantled because of a mess around Brexit negotiations does not sit easy
Councils in the rest of the UK are sailing close to the wind. There is barely enough money to keep the lights on and to empty the bins. Don’t even start on social care and vital homelessness provision. Council taxes are going to balloon.
There is a growing crisis in prisons. The NHS, while not on the floor, needs a lot of oxygen. And yet eyes turn west to the six counties.
The population of Northern Ireland is 1.8million. That’s fewer people than fall under West Yorkshire local authority care. Essentially, the equivalent of Leeds-Bradford is holding the rest of the UK to ransom.
So, I can see how this may annoy.