Opportunity awaits. It does not look like that, not at the minute. By every measure, we’re in the soup. Lockdown has closed everything. Hospitals are packed to breaking with the Covid-sick. Shops are shuttered and many businesses can’t operate. The impact of tariffs on trade post-Brexit is yet to be really understood.
Schools are shut, parents are fearful for the future and for the next hour of home-schooling. The USA, so close in so many ways, is lost in confusion.
Happy new year!
However, the vaccine rollout remains a shimmering light. At the risk of rumbling on like Boris Johnson on a metaphor super-binge, that little prick (the jab, I mean) will take us to Shangri-La. And in Shangri-La we can nudge people at the packed bar in a pub and both apologise at the same time. We can get frustrated at how busy the train is and harrumph that operators know nothing about peak travel. We can hug. I’ll hug you all. Legally!
Actually, let’s leave the hugging to the side. No random stranger hugging. Maybe for the best.
Instead, we can reform the entire education and financial system in Britain, and beyond. Why not.