Organise a craft session in support of the campaign
Craftivism is a non-threatening way of engaging with others through craft activities. It’s a gentler way of campaigning but can be very effective, and you can do it alone or as a group.
A key is a symbol of home – of a place that is safe and secure for you, your loved ones and your possessions. So, we are inviting you this week to make a large key and write a message on it asking a politician to unlock the solutions to keep people in work and in their own homes.
Your key will have an impact and if you can work with others to make a bigger display, that will have an even bigger impact.
We would love to see your work, so send a picture to us at or Tweet us @BigIssue and @JohnBirdsWords.
How to make your craftivist key
You can make the keys out of anything, and it can be any size or type of key. First of all, choose your materials:
- Fabric for the key and embroidery thread to stitch a message.
- Some stiff paper or cardboard for the key and colourful pens to write a message.
- If you can make it out of recycled materials, even better.
Once you have your materials, here’s what to do: