Bank of England

UK inflation unexpectedly rising to 4% in December spells ‘bad news for families’
Cost of living crisis

UK inflation unexpectedly rising to 4% in December spells ‘bad news for families’

Inflation rose to 4% in the year to December, striking a blow to families already hit by the cost of living crisis

A million households face a £500-a-month hike as mortgage rates skyrocket. Here’s where to get help

A million households face a £500-a-month hike as mortgage rates skyrocket. Here’s where to get help

Mortgage repayments could rise by £500 a month, according to new forecasts by the Bank of England. These are scary numbers, but there are ways you can start to take back control

Is ‘greedflation’ behind your soaring grocery bills?

Is ‘greedflation’ behind your soaring grocery bills?

Even the Bank of England is now admitting companies’ profits are growing

Martin Lewis predicted the mortgage timebomb, so why did the government not listen?
Paul McNamee

Martin Lewis predicted the mortgage timebomb, so why did the government not listen?

Readers debate the causes of inflation: is it higher wages or corporate greed?

Readers debate the causes of inflation: is it higher wages or corporate greed?

Interest rates rise will ‘fuel the fire’ of the cost of living crisis
Cost of living crisis

Interest rates rise will ‘fuel the fire’ of the cost of living crisis

The Bank of England has warned the UK is facing the longest ever recession. Here’s what it means
Cost of living crisis

The Bank of England has warned the UK is facing the longest ever recession. Here’s what it means