Fact/Fiction: Does living near streetlights give you cancer?

Fact/Fiction: Does living near streetlights give you cancer?
Fact/Fiction: Is the Moderna vaccine less effective against new variants?

Fact/Fiction: Is the Moderna vaccine less effective against new variants?
Fact/Fiction: Did Coca Cola, kiwis and ice cream test positive for Covid-19? 

Fact/Fiction: Did Coca Cola, kiwis and ice cream test positive for Covid-19?
Fact/Fiction: Were zombie film fans better prepared for Covid-19?

Fact/Fiction: Were zombie film fans better prepared for Covid-19?
Fact/Fiction: Can you use the Magna Carta to get out of lockdown?

Fact/Fiction: Can you use the Magna Carta to get out of lockdown?
Fact/Fiction: Are men with deep voices more likely to cheat?

Fact/Fiction: Are men with deep voices more likely to cheat?
Fact/Fiction: Does being unpopular at school mean future heart problems?

Fact/Fiction: Does being unpopular at school mean future heart problems?
Fact/Fiction: Does sarcasm put you at greater risk of a heart attack?

Fact/Fiction: Does sarcasm put you at greater risk of a heart attack?
Fact/Fiction: Do Freddos show that the minimum wage should be £18 per hour?

Fact/Fiction: Do Freddos show that the minimum wage should be £18 per hour?
Fact/Fiction: Can honey shift your cold faster than a course of antibiotics?

Fact/Fiction: Can honey shift your cold faster than a course of antibiotics?
Fact/Fiction: Have 800 people died as a result of the ‘infodemic’?

Fact/Fiction: Have 800 people died as a result of the ‘infodemic’?
Fact/Fiction: Are men over six feet tall more likely to get Covid-19?

Fact/Fiction: Are men over six feet tall more likely to get Covid-19?
Fact/Fiction: Should you beware of knife-wielding baboons at a safari park?

Fact/Fiction: Should you beware of knife-wielding baboons at a safari park?
Fact/Fiction: Does eating a fried breakfast help you lose weight?

Fact/Fiction: Does eating a fried breakfast help you lose weight?
Fact/Fiction: Does playing golf as a pensioner extend your life?

Fact/Fiction: Does playing golf as a pensioner extend your life?
Fact/Fiction: Have nurses been told to stop calling female patients ladies?

Fact/Fiction: Have nurses been told to stop calling female patients ladies?
Fact/Fiction: Is Boris Johnson right about rough sleeping figures?

Fact/Fiction: Is Boris Johnson right about rough sleeping figures?
Fact/Fiction: Did Nasa really discover that pineapple plants can aid snoring?