Food Banks

Letters: DWP benefit reforms are fuelled by decades of disability hate

Letters: DWP benefit reforms are fuelled by decades of disability hate

Time is running out – the next government needs a proper plan to end reliance on food banks
Sabine Goodwin

Time is running out – the next government needs a proper plan to end reliance on food banks

We must ‘tackle poverty to save the NHS and improve the nation’s health’, next government told

We must ‘tackle poverty to save the NHS and improve the nation’s health’, next government told

Why DWP urgently needs to make universal credit enough so people can afford the essentials
Universal credit

Why DWP urgently needs to make universal credit enough so people can afford the essentials

Poverty costs the UK billions each year. Politicians must commit to ending it this general election
General election 2024

Poverty costs the UK billions each year. Politicians must commit to ending it this general election

Yes, inflation is falling – but nearly 90% of Brits say cost of living crisis is far from over

Yes, inflation is falling – but nearly 90% of Brits say cost of living crisis is far from over

Poverty prevention is our best hope. Here’s some tangible ways to keep people warm, dry and fed
Tom Clark

Poverty prevention is our best hope. Here’s some tangible ways to keep people warm, dry and fed

Benefits system is ‘utterly failing’ as food bank demand reaches record high: ‘It’s heartbreaking’
Food banks

Benefits system is ‘utterly failing’ as food bank demand reaches record high: ‘It’s heartbreaking’

DWP has the power to help people. Why is it choosing to threaten disabled people instead?
Sumi Rabindrakumar

DWP has the power to help people. Why is it choosing to threaten disabled people instead?

Bonkers Tory ad claims UK is ‘second most powerful country in the world’. That’s ‘hilarious propaganda’

Bonkers Tory ad claims UK is ‘second most powerful country in the world’. That’s ‘hilarious propaganda’

Jeremy Hunt’s last-minute household support fund reprieve is too little, too late
Sabine Goodwin

Jeremy Hunt’s last-minute household support fund reprieve is too little, too late

‘It’s not just wonky veg’: Meet the women using an ancient practice to help tackle food poverty
Food poverty

‘It’s not just wonky veg’: Meet the women using an ancient practice to help tackle food poverty

Food banks dread the inevitable consequences of abandoning the household support fund
Sabine Goodwin

Food banks dread the inevitable consequences of abandoning the household support fund

DWP benefit sanctions have gotten tougher amid cost of living crisis, data shows

DWP benefit sanctions have gotten tougher amid cost of living crisis, data shows

More than half of people on universal credit going without food because they can’t afford it
Food banks

More than half of people on universal credit going without food because they can’t afford it

Millions on universal credit left cold, without food and in debt – because the system is failing us
Helen Barnard

Millions on universal credit left cold, without food and in debt – because the system is failing us

5 ways to fix a broken UK – from universal credit to an urgent general election
Hope for 2024

5 ways to fix a broken UK – from universal credit to an urgent general election

There’s a hidden problem with supermarkets campaigning for food banks at Christmas
Food banks

There’s a hidden problem with supermarkets campaigning for food banks at Christmas

Food bank volunteers at breaking point as demand rises: ‘We must absorb the sadness and soldier on’
Charlotte White

Food bank volunteers at breaking point as demand rises: ‘We must absorb the sadness and soldier on’

Food banks ask people to ‘pray for them’ ahead of worst winter on record: ‘Our shelves are empty’
Cost of living crisis

Food banks ask people to ‘pray for them’ ahead of worst winter on record: ‘Our shelves are empty’