
My dementia is a gift; I allow myself to enjoy the here and now

My dementia is a gift; I allow myself to enjoy the here and now

Paul McNamee: Government promises to care leavers must be backed by cash

Paul McNamee: Government promises to care leavers must be backed by cash

Grassroots football clubs are an antidote to the Beautiful Game’s ugly scenes

Grassroots football clubs are an antidote to the Beautiful Game’s ugly scenes

John Bird: Prosperity yes, but not the kind that will drift away

John Bird: Prosperity yes, but not the kind that will drift away

I lead an achingly safe life, but climbing brings me alive

I lead an achingly safe life, but climbing brings me alive

Paul McNamee: Westminster – we’ve woken up and we’re watching

Paul McNamee: Westminster – we’ve woken up and we’re watching

Paul McNamee: Let them eat crisps

Paul McNamee: Let them eat crisps

Microsoft’s Cindy Rose: Apply AI ethically to unlock its potential for good

Microsoft’s Cindy Rose: Apply AI ethically to unlock its potential for good

John Bird: Think of the children

John Bird: Think of the children

Paul McNamee: SpongeBob’s wisdom wipes Brexit fears away

Paul McNamee: SpongeBob’s wisdom wipes Brexit fears away

Paul McNamee: Get prevention right and we will transform lives of the lonely

Paul McNamee: Get prevention right and we will transform lives of the lonely

John Bird: Cathedrals remind us of humanity’s feats – rise to the challenge

John Bird: Cathedrals remind us of humanity’s feats – rise to the challenge

Ethical investment is on the up, but where’s the tipping point?

Ethical investment is on the up, but where’s the tipping point?

Paul McNamee: Make sure your knowledge is on the money

Paul McNamee: Make sure your knowledge is on the money

Paul McNamee: When the going gets tough, the crowd gets going

Paul McNamee: When the going gets tough, the crowd gets going

Paul McNamee: Ignore key issues and they’ll bite us on the Brexit

Paul McNamee: Ignore key issues and they’ll bite us on the Brexit

John Bird: To save the world, we’ll need to transform trade

John Bird: To save the world, we’ll need to transform trade

John Bird: Can I be frank? Probably not – it’s so easy to offend

John Bird: Can I be frank? Probably not – it’s so easy to offend

Paul McNamee: Let’s join forces to make things better

Paul McNamee: Let’s join forces to make things better

John Bird: Europe found peace after World War II – but can it do it again?

John Bird: Europe found peace after World War II – but can it do it again?