
I’m a single mum living in poverty. Worrying about how it affects my children keeps me up at night

I’m a single mum living in poverty. Worrying about how it affects my children keeps me up at night

Lauren, a single mum, shares her family’s experience of living in poverty and calls for the government to act to protect children

Single mum on universal credit feels ‘penalised’ because she can’t find work around childcare

Single mum on universal credit feels ‘penalised’ because she can’t find work around childcare

A 28-year-old on universal credit describes feeling let down now she is a single mother and cannot find work around childcare

Rent help for the unemployed doesn’t extend to those still living at home

Rent help for the unemployed doesn’t extend to those still living at home

A reader writes in about the rent burden placed on the parents of offspring who struggle to find secure employment and a place of their own

Book reviews: Still Born by Guadalupe Nettel, and The Drowned Forest by Angela Barry

Book reviews: Still Born by Guadalupe Nettel, and The Drowned Forest by Angela Barry
