Labour says new energy efficiency rules for landlords will save renters £240 a year on bills

Labour says new energy efficiency rules for landlords will save renters £240 a year on bills
Government urges renters to share views on plans to force landlords to make homes warmer and slash energy bills
Social housing waiting lists to soar to two million people in 10 years, report finds

Social housing waiting lists to soar to two million people in 10 years, report finds
It would take 21 years to clear England’s current social housing backlog unless Labour ramp up affordable housebuilding, analysts warn
Is UK’s housing system racist? Calls for inquiry as study reveals ethnic minorities pay more for less

Is UK’s housing system racist? Calls for inquiry as study reveals ethnic minorities pay more for less
Discrimination in the housing sector ‘warrants an official inquiry’, argues Resolution Foundation after the think tank revealed some minority groups spend more than twice their income on somewhere to live that white British households
So-called ‘landlord exodus’ divides opinion amid Renters’ Rights Bill debate in the Lords
So-called ‘landlord exodus’ divides opinion amid Renters’ Rights Bill debate in the Lords
I fell for a rent scam and lost £1,000 – so I helped other renters fight the scammers
I fell for a rent scam and lost £1,000 – so I helped other renters fight the scammers
Labour’s housing benefit freeze leaves almost one million children at risk of poverty

Labour’s housing benefit freeze leaves almost one million children at risk of poverty
This council is turning to the private sector to fix Britain’s draughty homes and reach net zero

This council is turning to the private sector to fix Britain’s draughty homes and reach net zero
Labour’s housing benefit freeze will cost low-income renters hundreds of pounds a year

Labour’s housing benefit freeze will cost low-income renters hundreds of pounds a year
Rough sleeping in London ‘as bad as it’s been’ but Sadiq Khan warns things won’t improve until 2026

Rough sleeping in London ‘as bad as it’s been’ but Sadiq Khan warns things won’t improve until 2026
MPs and voters agree that there is a housing crisis – but they’re split on how to solve it

MPs and voters agree that there is a housing crisis – but they’re split on how to solve it
Rough sleeping in London won’t get better until 2026, says Sadiq Khan

Rough sleeping in London won’t get better until 2026, says Sadiq Khan
‘It’s deeply upsetting’: 80 homeless children have died in temporary accommodation in just one year

‘It’s deeply upsetting’: 80 homeless children have died in temporary accommodation in just one year
This innovative ‘village’ under Manchester’s railway arches helps tackle homelessness

This innovative ‘village’ under Manchester’s railway arches helps tackle homelessness
DWP told to justify freezing housing benefit amid surging homelessness and skyrocketing rents

DWP told to justify freezing housing benefit amid surging homelessness and skyrocketing rents
Majority of social housing tenants struggling to pay rent – here’s why

Majority of social housing tenants struggling to pay rent – here’s why
It’s 1,000 days since Vagrancy Act was repealed – so why are rough sleepers still criminalised?

It’s 1,000 days since Vagrancy Act was repealed – so why are rough sleepers still criminalised?
Tariffs, trade wars and unpredictability: What Trump 2.0 means for UK house prices

Tariffs, trade wars and unpredictability: What Trump 2.0 means for UK house prices
Labour triples emergency funding to help rough sleepers in freezing temperatures

Labour triples emergency funding to help rough sleepers in freezing temperatures
Tories under fire over U-turn on pledge to protect renters from no-fault evictions

Tories under fire over U-turn on pledge to protect renters from no-fault evictions
Rents in UK are rising at highest rate in decades. Will they keep going up?

Rents in UK are rising at highest rate in decades. Will they keep going up?
What is the Renters’ Rights Bill? All you need to know about Labour’s plan to end no-fault evictions

What is the Renters’ Rights Bill? All you need to know about Labour’s plan to end no-fault evictions
Government rejects MPs’ bid to cap record-high rents as Renters’ Rights Bill passes through Commons

Government rejects MPs’ bid to cap record-high rents as Renters’ Rights Bill passes through Commons
Labour’s rental reforms not doing enough for disabled tenants, MPs and campaigners warn

Labour’s rental reforms not doing enough for disabled tenants, MPs and campaigners warn
Woman with heart condition, 72, hit with revenge eviction after asking landlord for simple repairs

Woman with heart condition, 72, hit with revenge eviction after asking landlord for simple repairs
Renters’ Rights Bill must stop landlords raising rents above wages or inflation, government told