More than 100 women could be forced into unemployment in Edinburgh after the city council chose to shut down every strip club in the city on Thursday, March 31.
Campaigners described the decision as a “violation of the Equality Act” for removing the livelihood of scores of sex workers during an economic crisis.
“Despite sharing their fears for their safety, for their livelihoods, sharing their expertise on their own working conditions, the council have chosen to force them into working under greater risk of violence,” a spokesperson for United Sex Workers (USW) told The Big Issue, “to further remove and limit their working rights, and push more workers into unemployment and an insufficient benefits system during an unprecedented cost of living crisis.”
Sex-workers have long campaigned for increased rights and better working conditions to reduce the threat of work place violence.
Supporting organisations fear that the decision will leave strippers with no choice but to continue working in dangerous environments.
During the meeting, strippers working in Edinburgh and members of the collective United Sex Workers made statements opposing the proposed policy.