Nightingale House is an extraordinary place, where confidence, trust and hope are reborn. The 26-bedroom hostel in Cardiff has provided shelter to over 100 families this year, made homeless for a range of reasons: debt, domestic abuse and substance misuse are just a few.
They sent us a very impressive bundle of entries for The Big Issue’s Kids’ Cover Competition this year – the second time they’ve brightened up our festive season. This Christmas morning around 50 children, from newborns to teenagers, will wake up in Nightingale House. Here they share their stories, showing how smiles can be restored and futures rebuilt.
Tracey and Lilly: “To me the Nightingale House is one big family”

“I was in a challenging domestic situation for eight years. Nightingale House’s staff helped me to overcome severe anxiety from this, stopping me feeling like I was on my own. I used to struggle with people, especially large social situations. Nowadays I’m the first person to welcome new tenants in.
“There’s a strong sense of community in Nightingale House. We always help new families when they move in, involving them in all of the activities that are run for residents. I really enjoy bingo and pizza night.
All the case workers have been helpful with everything. I feel like I can approach them with any issues
“All the case workers have been helpful with everything. I’m comfortable with all of them, and feel like I can approach them with any issues.
“My daughter Lilly has settled in well and made loads of friends. The house has also given me a lot of confidence to do things for myself. To me Nightingale House is one big family.”