One in eight households in England and Wales say their water bills are unaffordable – with assistance schemes helping less than half of the people who need it.
Since last year there has been a 30 per cent increase – encompassing 700,000 people – in the number of households whose bills have been reduced through the schemes, but there are still as many as three million struggling to pay the water charges.
A report from the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater) showed that some people are forced to sacrifice other essentials like food and heating to make sure their water bills are paid on time.
The research also highlighted the postcode lottery customers face when in need of help to pay. The inconsistent level of support available by area was reflected in the wildly varied average bill reductions people received, from £271 to as little as £19.
Andy White, senior policy manager for CCWater, said plenty of people still “suffer in silence” when it comes to struggling to pay their water bill.
He added: “No one should ever have to make that choice [between food and water].