A group of women with experience working in the housing sector is breaking the link between homelessness and gender inequality.
The Women’s Housing Forum (WHF) has released its plans to improve housing services for women after its inaugural event was held in London earlier this year.
Its plans include influencing housing providers to address women’s specific needs – like lower average incomes, additional caring responsibilities and greater experience of domestic abuse and sexual violence – in the services they offer.
The organisation intends to establish a tiered membership model that is free for individuals to join so that “everyone who cares about women’s housing can have an equal voice and come together to tackle these issues”.
In a new report the WHF – founded just last year – looked to the future of the group and announced it would be commissioning research, developing new digital channels and launching fundraising events.
Following the success of the Women’s Housing Forum’s debut event in January, earlier this month @Denise473 Fowler & Zaiba Qureshi led a student Workshop at the SfGH KCL conference on ‘Why Housing is a Feminist Issue’ https://t.co/MxH5HAwfwO@Housing4Women@WomensPioneerpic.twitter.com/Ne91Bvdfqv
— Women's Housing Forum (@Womens_Housing) February 26, 2019