Labour to crack down on rogue landlords claiming uncapped housing benefit for horror homes

Labour to crack down on rogue landlords claiming uncapped housing benefit for horror homes
The government pledged to stop supported housing landlords claiming taxpayer cash as well as injecting £350m into bid to build more affordable housing
Letters: We’re all ‘economically active’ whether working or not – even my dog contributes to GDP

Letters: We’re all ‘economically active’ whether working or not – even my dog contributes to GDP
Rather than penalising claimants, we must realise that everyone has a part to play in the economy
DWP blasted for blowing half a million pounds defending disability benefit cuts: ‘What a failure’

DWP blasted for blowing half a million pounds defending disability benefit cuts: ‘What a failure’
A freedom of information (FOI) request, brought by a campaigner who goes by the name of Ben Claimant, found the nine-month legal action cost the DWP almost half a million pounds
DWP’s benefit fraud crackdown blasted as an ‘assault’ on the ‘disabled, sick and elderly’
DWP’s benefit fraud crackdown blasted as an ‘assault’ on the ‘disabled, sick and elderly’
Labour warned ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ over plan to ‘help’ neurodivergent people on benefits into work
Labour warned ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ over plan to ‘help’ neurodivergent people on benefits into work
Labour’s housing benefit freeze leaves almost one million children at risk of poverty

Labour’s housing benefit freeze leaves almost one million children at risk of poverty
Letters: Cut, cut, cut benefits… it’s the Tory Labour way

Letters: Cut, cut, cut benefits… it’s the Tory Labour way
Labour’s housing benefit freeze will cost low-income renters hundreds of pounds a year

Labour’s housing benefit freeze will cost low-income renters hundreds of pounds a year
The benefits system is broken – and disabled people pay the price for the DWP’s ‘poor service’

The benefits system is broken – and disabled people pay the price for the DWP’s ‘poor service’
Disabled Brits suffering ‘unacceptably poor’ treatment at hands of the DWP, damning report finds

Disabled Brits suffering ‘unacceptably poor’ treatment at hands of the DWP, damning report finds
Labour must invest in benefits system to lift children out of poverty, shameful report finds

Labour must invest in benefits system to lift children out of poverty, shameful report finds
Disability benefits such as PIP are actually good for the economy, economists say

Disability benefits such as PIP are actually good for the economy, economists say
DWP’s benefit fraud crackdown blasted as ‘one of the biggest assaults on welfare in a generation’

DWP’s benefit fraud crackdown blasted as ‘one of the biggest assaults on welfare in a generation’
I’m made to feel like a burden for claiming benefits from the DWP. It’s not a way of life – it’s torture

I’m made to feel like a burden for claiming benefits from the DWP. It’s not a way of life – it’s torture
Majority of social housing tenants struggling to pay rent – here’s why

Majority of social housing tenants struggling to pay rent – here’s why
Stigma faced by benefit claimants is baseless. It’s like Donald Trump saying immigrants eat pets

Stigma faced by benefit claimants is baseless. It’s like Donald Trump saying immigrants eat pets
Labour doubles down on slashing billions from DWP’s disability benefits bill

Labour doubles down on slashing billions from DWP’s disability benefits bill
DWP’s ‘misleading and unfair’ consultation on disability benefit reforms unlawful, High Court rules

DWP’s ‘misleading and unfair’ consultation on disability benefit reforms unlawful, High Court rules
Can people actually self-diagnose with mental illness and claim disability benefits?

Can people actually self-diagnose with mental illness and claim disability benefits?
‘Rushed implementation’ of AI in DWP benefits system could ‘harm’ people, experts fear

‘Rushed implementation’ of AI in DWP benefits system could ‘harm’ people, experts fear
Disability benefit reforms and universal credit rise: All the DWP benefit changes to expect in 2025

Disability benefit reforms and universal credit rise: All the DWP benefit changes to expect in 2025
White goods grant: Where to get help replacing essentials